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<P14B>Changes &<P24>
28 January 1991
The following is a list of all significant changes and additions to the DAYO
Business Applications system/modules (Oldest to Most Current)
04/15/90 Version 1.2 Release
04/29/90 Hot Key (Ctrl N) to add a new customer while in the POS
invoicing routine (select customer browse)
04/30/90 Auto Find while in a non-editing (select only) browse
04/30/90 Pop-Up Ship To Address Selection while in POS invoice final
04/30/90 SHIPTOS database added to POS and AR
04/30/90 Maintenance Routine for SHIPTOS in MAINT option of AR
04/30/90 SHIPTOS index added to DAYO Index
04/30/90 Indexkey for customer phone index (CUSTPHON.NTX) changed
to be indexed on the right 4 digits in all modules accessing the CUSTOMER.DBF
05/01/90 Work Orders option & config added to DAYO POS Standard,
Laser, or Preprinted
05/02/90 Class field added to the Invoice & Customer databases for
use with GL. Added to Customer.dbf, Shiptos.dbf, Invoice.dbf, and
05/03/90 Add Inventory items while in Item selection of POS during
invoicing (press Ctrl N)
05/06/90 Pop-Up item/customer history while item selecting in POS
and QUOTES (Press F10)
05/07/90 Add comments to work order, and creation of the WO_NOTES.DBF
05/08/90 WO Notes maintenance routine added to AR
05/08/90 Will not invoice when ACTIVE=.T. in CUSTOMER.DBF
05/08/90 Multiple Shiptos added to BO Allocation
05/13/90 Added/Insured that the CLASS field was contained in the
RECEIPTS.DBF. *** The CLASS field determines the GL account that will
receive this transaction
05/13/90 Added a General Ledger related field (TRANSACT) to the databases:
APD.DBF This field is updated by the GL Post
05/18/90 Added a Warehouse Adjustments routine to Inventory Press
Shift F2 to activate the routine
05/19/90 Added a Warehouse Adjustments report to Smart Reports
05/21/90 Added Notes to Quotes (similar to Work Order Notes)
05/23/90 Added a new error handling routine to all DAYO modules.
Errors are recorded in the current directory in a file named 'DAYOERR.TXT'
05/24/90 DAYO MENU changed to allow for more selections MENU.BAT
also changed to reflect the changes made to DAYOMENU.EXE
05/24/90 AR POST will not post invoices with the TYPEs of 'VOD',
'EXC', or 'QUO' into ARH.DBF/ARD.DBF
05/24/90 Changed the way AR posts invoices Now, all invoices are
posted into ARH.DBF/ARD.DBF after they are printed (PRINTED=.T.)
05/24/90 Changed the way that ARPOST resets the customer amount/balance
due. It now totals all open ARH.DBF records, and open INVOICE.DBF
05/24/90 ARPOST now resets the SUBTOTAL, TAXES, FREIGHT, ADJUST fields
to zero if the record is posted to ARH.DBF and has backorders!
05/24/90 AR Statements now accesses databases ARH.DBF & ARD.DBF
05/25/90 Added a routine to optionally post Returns/Refunds back
into inventory upon the creation of an invoice with the type of 'Ref'
or 'Ret'. It is accessed in the Configuration Menu.
05/29/90 Can print to a disk file if printer off-line or missing...
Part of the new error handling routine
05/30/90 The 'Attention' field (ATTN) is now printed on the quote,
beside the telephone number
06/02/90 Limited release of General Ledger
06/04/90 Work Order Phrase Configuration option added
06/04/90 Multiple Shiptos Selection Box enlarged in POS, AR, and
06/05/90 POS Final Edit Selection Boxes now blink to enable mono
screen/color monitors to determine what was being highlighted
06/06/90 GL Chart of Accounts report (COA.FRM) changed to skip a
space before and after any account number that ends with '000000',
ie: 12001-000000
06/08/90 Added SHIP TO name and address fields to the PO Header database:
POH.DBF. If filled in (not empty) it will be printed onto the Purchase
Order as the SHIP TO (ie: Direct Shipments)
06/10/90 The error file (DAYOERR.TXT) is erased once/if it reaches
the size of 32000 bytes.
06/10/90 Hot Key (Ctrl N) to add a new customer while in the Quotes
(select Customer) routine. Turns on/off with a configurations setting
06/13/90 Limited release of Materials Requirement Planning DAYO MRP
06/14/90 Added an option to view reports on screen to Smart Reports
06/14/90 Updated DAYO Index to index the GL indexes
06/14/90 Added configuration settings for location of General Ledger
(GL) and Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) databases to Smart Reports.
06/15/90 Added an option to view reports on screen to GL
06/15/90 Added an configuration option to save purged/packed GL transaction
records to database GLHIST.DBF
06/17/90 Updated DAYO Index to index the MRP indexes
06/18/90 DAYO Database Look Up release
06/18/90 Stocklevel and BackOrder displayed added to the inventory
browse in DAYO Inventory
06/18/90 Stocklevel will blink if it is less than the onhand value
(in the inventory browse in DAYO Inventory)
06/19/90 Average and Real Cost fields (AVGCOST & REALCOST) added
to the inventory database
06/20/90 Updated the setup program (SETUP.EXE) to look for all the
new modules
06/21/90 Added a new cost field (COSTADJ) to the database REC.DBF
that will be used in the computation of Real Costs
06/23/90 Added new routines for costing items. Added to the Inventory
browse of DAYO Inventory (Ctrl F10)
06/24/90 Added a printer driver/setup routine to all modules that
have reports
06/27/90 Added the option to select 1 of 4 indexes when printing
the Customer Expanded Report in the reports menu of DAYO AR
06/29/90 The OPEN field in the PO Header record is now set to true
(.T.) when initially created
07/02/90 ALLOCATED field added to the inventory to contain the number
of qty for work orders. To activate the allocation of work orders,
select Y (Yes) at the 'Allocate WorkOrders' option in the Configuration
07/02/90 Default Invoice/Work Order Comment option added to Configurations
07/02/90 Option to edit the description and cost for an item at the
time it is added to an invoice or work order
07/06/90 Routine added to Hand Check in DAYO AP to allow for multiple
GL postings
07/07/90 Routine added to DAYO GL Transactions to allow for multiple
GL postings
07/08/90 Option added to the MRP BOM Costing Report (for All) that
allows you to update the cost field in the inventory with the computed
BOM cost
07/08/90 Configuration option added to DAYO Inventory that (if set
to True/Yes) will take the cost entered at the time of receipt (in
the RECEIVE Routine) and place it into the COST field in the inventory
database (INV.DBF)
07/09/90 Limited Release of DAYO Payroll
07/11/90 Version 1.3 Release
07/11/90 6 registers (records) added to POS & BO to record 'who'
has a register open...
07/11/90 Option to not use registers in DAYO POS & BO
07/12/90 DAYO BO allocation process totally changed! The process
now updates the FILLED quantity field with onhand quantity from the
inventory database. Invoices and/or work orders can then be printed
from DAYO BO based on the quantity in the FILLED field
07/15/90 DAYO AR customer balance reset function changed to to at
only the AR Header records and the Unapplied amount in the Cash RECEIPTS
07/18/90 Added the option to print the RETAIL or PRICE price value
(from the inventory file) onto a standard invoice (from DAYO POS &
07/18/90 Added option to display the Warehouse fields (1-7) onto
the screen where the calendar is (for DAYO Inventory browse only)
07/18/90 Can now add new/unique Ship To name when invoicing in DAYO
07/19/90 Added a PULL SHEET (new) report to DAYO Smart Reports. Works
only on a laser printer!
07/19/90 Changed the POS graphs to get the sales data from the posted
invoices in ARH.DBF
07/19/90 Changed the default item number from being blank to be the
next one when doing the Physical Inventory data entry
07/20/90 Added the Register Summary Report to DAYO AR.
07/20/90 Added the option to print/not print the 'shade' on on the
laser invoices in DAYO POS, AR, and BO
07/23/90 Added a Filter option to the Inventory Valuation report
in DAYO Smart Reports
07/23/90 Added the Expanded and Available Inventory reports with
Filter to DAYO Smart Reports
07/23/90 Added the option to automatically adjust the balance for
deductions in DAYO Payroll
07/24/90 Created another DAYO POS module. This second module is the
same as the original except that it contains the BackOrder browse
and invoicing routines from DAYO BO. Has significantly increased the
memory requirements and thus will not run on all machines, particularly
those on a network. Available (free for the asking) to registered
users only...
07/24/90 Added another index (on ZIP code) to the customer database
(affects all modules that use the database CUSTOMER.DBF)
07/26/90 Changed the color of the prompt (asking for the password)
to be white on white (invisible). This affects all modules...
07/27/90 Expanded the POS Detail report to include more information
about the customer and the invoice. The CUSTOMER Report option is
the ONLY one changed. This report option can be referred to as the
'CUSTOMER OPEN ORDER DETAIL REPORT'... Additional information includes
the Shipto Name, the Customer's Purchase Order number, the CLASS field,
the name of the preparer, the OPEN/CLOSE status, and whether the invoice
has been printed or not... The modification affected the report form
DETCUST.FRM. Also added to this report (all options) was the exclusion
of all/any deleted records
07/27/90 Added a new field (FAX) to the Vendors and Customer databases.
This will contain the FAX telephone number
07/28/90 Added 2 new configuration options/settings for DAYO Payroll.
The Federal Employer Identification number and the State Identification
Number. Used on the W2 form.
07/28/90 Fixed the DAYO AP Hand Checks to always create a AP Header
record with a negative amount if the Hand/Manual Check is for a vendor.
Subsequent postings will apply this amount to outstanding (and ready
for payment) purchase order invoices
07/28/90 Added the Payroll, MRP, and Look Up databases to DAYO Index.
Erase the database DAYOX.DBF, and this routine will create a new DAYOX.DBF
with more database/index records
07/28/90 Added another report/routine to Smart Reports that seeks
out any duplication of key fields in the selected index (ie: duplicate
invoice numbers in the database ARH.DBF, or duplicate item numbers
in the database INV.DBF)
08/01/90 Changed DAYO AR, Cash Receipts to prompt for a CLASS code
instead of a TYPE. Useful for carrying over the CLASS code for GL posting
08/01/90 Added the option to turn off the prompt asking for the correct
CLASS Code if an incorrect one is found during the GL Post. If turned
off (set to false/no), the record is skipped and NOT posted
08/02/90 Added the option to print the check number onto check in DAYO
AP. The check printing format database CFORMAT.DBF contains the row
& column fields for the check number
08/03/90 Added the option to print a heading (column titles onto
the AP Batch Vendor check vouchers
08/05/90 Added Department and more subtotals to the Trial Balance
Report in DAYO General Ledger
08/06/90 Added a user configurable Financial Statement report to
DAYO General Ledger
08/08/90 Vendor Label changed/expanded to include more information,
ie: complete address, phone & fax
08/08/90 A prompt now appears asking you if you really want to end
the process of adding detail items to the invoice and/or quote.
08/08/90 Added 2 new Open Invoice reports to DAYO POS One is an abbreviated
report, one expanded. Both reports include backorder information
08/08/90 Added a PROMISED date field to the Invoice Header record
in DAYO POS. This field denotes the date an order is 'promised' to
the customer. The value of this field can be seen on screen, and on
the new Open Invoice report
08/08/90 The prompt for the customer telephone number now now reads:
'Enter Right 4 digits of Phone Number'
08/10/90 Added the option to type in and save HELP messages in all
08/11/90 Added the option to view the user manual/document onscreen
while in the DAYO help routine in all modules
08/16/90 Changed/added the database name (DATABASE) to the first
index of the GL Class Code database GLCLASS.DBF. The index was changed
from being indexed only on 'CLASS' to 'CLASS+DATABASE'
08/18/90 Added a new report to Smart Reports that will list all records
that have 'bad' CLASS Codes. CLASS Codes determine how transactions
are to be posted to the GL Chart of Accounts
08/18/90 Added the PAYROLL Location configuration setting to Smart
08/18/90 Added a routine that will allow global changing of the DATE
of GL transactions. Option found in the GL Transaction Browse, option
3, press Ctrl F10
08/19/90 Added the option to place 'current directory' databases
into another location (all modules)
08/20/90 The AP Batch Check Draft report has been changed to a more
standard report format. Includes all AP header records that will have
money applied to them
08/20/90 The Shipto Address Label routine in DAYO AR now prints Shipto
Addresses from data in the database SHIPTOS.DBF. Was printing the
default SHIP TO information on the customer record
08/21/90 The Multiple GL Entry option while creating a 'Hand' or
'Manual' check in DAYO AP, will now create multiple records in the
database CHECKS.DBF and not in the database APH.DBF.
08/21/90 No record of checks is kept in the database APH.DBF. A record
was created in earlier versions.
08/21/90 TAXCODE field added to the database ARH.DBF. The Taxcode
is taken from the customer record at time of AR posting
08/21/90 New report added to DAYO Smart Reports: TAX Summaries. This
is a 2 part report listing collected taxes by Ship To State and by
08/25/90 Limited Release of DAYO Time & Billing... * * *
08/26/90 Update changed to allow the editing of the database and
module locations when it finds it in the \DAYOxxx directories. This
feature allows the updating of a DAYO module installed in more than
one location
08/27/90 Release of a program that will display either/or/both graphic
logos created with PC Paint (tm) or Microsoft Paint (tm). Picture files
have an extension of '.PCX'. The program (DAYOSCRN.EXE) looks for and
displays pictures with the file names of 'DAYOSCRN.PCX' and 'USERSCRN.PCX'.
Will automatically adjust video mode to CGA, EGA, or VGA
08/27/90 Taxes are recomputed when the SUBTOTAL or ADJUST fields
are changed in the 'Final Edit' screen while invoicing or creating
a quote
08/27/90 Added the option to hide the COST field display while doing
a quote
08/27/90 Added the option to select a second TERMS while invoicing
or creating a quote
08/27/90 Added a configuration option to DAYO POS and QUOTES to set
whether the adjustments field (ADJUST) will be used in the computation
of taxes. The default is NOT to tax adjustments
08/28/90 Added a subtotal line to the Batch Check Draft Report
08/28/90 Added a new configuration option to DAYO AP that sets the
number of days (after the PAYDATE) that an AP Header record will be paid
08/28/90 Limited Release of a new DAYO Menu... ***
08/28/90 Added new reports to DAYO GL that report only the year to
date (YTD) totals for all classes of accounts
08/28/90 Configuration option added to DAYO GL to determine when/if
the posting of the Profit or Loss amount is done, and if so, to which
GL Account. The Default GL Account is: 30002-000000 Current Year
Net Income' To perform a Net Earnings Post, run either the last option
in the posting routine
08/31/90 New Purchase Order (PO) form added as an alternative print
option to DAYO Inventory (select the PRE-PRINTED option in the Configuration
09/01/90 Smart Reports has a new routine in it that will update fields/records
in the Inventory database from another Inventory database. This routine
can be used to update remote sites with the 'Master Inventory'
09/01/90 Smart Reports has a new configuration setting that determines
if the quantity fields (ie: ONHAND, ONORDER) in the remote database
will be updated when the 'Master Inventory' process runs. Default
is not to run
09/02/90 Completely changed the way the Statements look in the reports
section of DAYO AR
09/03/90 Added the DATA ONLY option to the selection of Statement
Formats to DAYO Time & Billing
09/04/90 Changed the color of the scroll bars/selection windows in
the Inventory modules (PO Browse & Warehouse Adjustments) to enable
monochrome users to see the currently highlighted option/field
09/04/90 Added the option to invoice from the Warehouses (maintained
in DAYO Inventory at invoice time. Must set the 'USE WAREHOUSES' Configuration
option to Y (Yes) to activate the option. If used, a prompt will appear
upon entering the Invoice routine ('CREATE INVOICE') request the Warehouse
number (or main Warehouse - ONHAND)
09/04/90 Changed the way DAYO Inventory and POS updates the database
statistics. They are now updated only upon initial entry into the
modules. This speeds up the program when going from one menu option
to another
09/05/90 Many new features and options added to the new DAYO Menu, ie: fonts,
system statistics, 25, 43 or 50 lines per page, read all DAYO Manuals,...
09/05/90 Changed all remaining DAYO modules to update the database
statistics only upon initial entry into the module
09/07/90 Added a new report to Smart Reports that reports Taxable and
Non-Taxable Sales in an expanded or summary form
09/08/90 Added a new feature to DAYO POS that resets/recalculates the
SUBTOTAL on the Invoice/WorkOrder Header whenever a detail record is added
after the Invoice/WorkOrder has been created. Was a manual process before;
pressing Ctrl F2 in the BROWSE DETAIL routine
09/11/90 New Smart Report: Department Sales that provides a different way of
reporting sales and profit information. Requires printers capable of printing
the extended ASCII characters
09/11/90 New Smart Report: Sales Profit that lists your AR Header records with
cost and profit totals
09/12/90 Added the field POSTDATE to database ARD.DBF. This will allow
optional reporting based on the date invoices were posted as opposed to the
date they were initially created. Especially pertains to Work Orders.
09/12/90 Added new configuration option to DAYO AR, EOP, and Smart Reports to
use the POSTDATE instead of the DATE field when reporting from databases
09/12/90 Changed reports in DAYO AR, EOP, and Smart Reports to automatically
use the POSTDATE field if so set in configuration menu
09/12/90 DAYO GL changed to optionally post based on the POSTDATE or DATE.
09/12/90 DAYO GL posting will skip records in DAYO AR that do not fall within
the posting date range
09/15/90 The Receive routine in DAYO Inventory has been totally rewritten to
show more information, and to speed up the process
09/16/90 Adding inventory items to the purchase order now will stay in the
selection window until user presses Esc. Was only letting you select one item,
then it would return you to the browse of the purchase order detail.
09/16/90 New Configuration option 'Close & Delete Filled Purchase Orders' added
to DAYO Inventory. This option should be used when NOT USING DAYO Accounts
Payable. It will delete and mark the purchase order header as closed (OPEN=.F.)
and delete all detail lines when all detail lines are filled (ORDERED=RECEIVED).
* Again, this option should not be used if DAYO AP is being used to close and
delete filled purchase orders...
09/16/90 Added Indexes for DAYO Time & Billing's PROJECT database to DAYO Index
09/18/90 Added more index/sort options to the customer expanded report in DAYO
09/19/90 Added a routine to DAYO Smart Reports that lets you print any size
labels (ie: 4.25"x3.9") for customers, shiptos, and vendors. Label size is
09/21/90 Added a routine to DAYO Time & Billing that lets you print any size
labels (ie: 4.25"x3.9") for customers, shiptos, and vendors. Label size is
09/23/90 Added more fields/totals to part 2 of the tax summary by taxcode in
DAYO Smart Reports
09/25/90 The printing of zeros suppressed on most of the GL reports
09/26/90 The option to report sales based on the posting date has been added
to DAYO Time & Billing
09/27/90 The Department Sales report/routine was modified to remove the
adjusted year to date sales and cost fields. The year to date fields are
updated by a 'manual' posting by the user
09/28/90 A posting date prompt was added to the GL posting routine
09/30/90 Added a new customer expanded report to smart reports that also
prints all multiple shiptos for each customer
10/01/90 The field PROJECT has been added to databases ARH.DBF, ARD.DBF,
10/03/90 New report added to GL reports menu that will print all transactions
for a selected period for each account (both debit & credit transactions).
Use this report to reconcile your chart of account
10/05/90 Forcasting of AR balances on the statements has been scrubbed and
replaced with the more formal 'ageing summary' (amounts past due by age...)
10/06/90 Freight charges can now default to a percentage of the order total.
This feature has been added to Time & Billing and POS. The default percentage
is set in the configuration menu of both applications
10/06/90 Release of the DAYO System Manager Document. Contains an in-depth
overview of the DAYO System. Distributed with most diskettes (file named:
10/07/90 Routine added to Accounts Payable that allows for Payable adjustments
to one or more of the following fields: SUBTOTAL, ADJUST, TAXES, FREIGHT, PAID.
Adjustments are made while in the AP Header record browse (AP Maintenance)
10/08/90 New Smart Report that prints Accounts Payable Adjustment that were
made to one or more of the following fields in the AP Header record:
SUBTOTAL, TAXES, ADJUST, PAID, FREIGHT. Adjustment records are created and
the field OPEN is set to .F. (Closed) and the field PC is set to .T. (Cleared).
The field TRANSACT is filled with "XXXXXXXXXXXX" if it was empty (not posted to
GL yet)
10/10/90 The total weight of an order is displayed to the left of the FREIGHT
on the final edit invoicing screen for DAYO POS, Time & Billing, BO, and
10/11/90 Added another sort/index option to the printing of all inventory
items in the first 4 price books of DAYO Price Books. The new index option is
on the field CLASS, and is selected by scrolling down (not on the initial
screen) to it. Since no class index is maintained, a temporary index will be
created then erase
10/11/90 The total amount due by a customer/client is display to the left the
TERMS on the final edit invoicing screen for DAYO POS, Time & Billing, BO, and
10/17/90 Added a new system checking routine to DAYO MENU that will optionally
rebuild or create the CONFIG.SYS file if it is missing or does not contain the
required statements (ie: FILES=65), in it. Useful at installation time only!
10/20/90 Release of DAYO Bar Code. Prints 3 of 9 bar code labels on standard
labels on an Epson/IBM compatible, dot matrix printer
10/22/90 Changed DAYO POS and Time & Billing to create invoice records that are
completely backordered (QTY=0)
10/23/90 Changed DAYO AR to not post invoice detail records with a zero QTY.
Change also made to the AR post routine in Time & Billing
10/26/90 DAYO Quotes will not print the notes (if any) only on the first page.
Were printing on each page...
10/29/90 DAYO POS now does not subtract the backorder quantity from the
warehouse field at time of invoice (used to determine the available quantity).
The backorder quantity (the field BO) in the inventory, only applies to
invoicing from the main warehouse (ONHAND)...
11/02/90 DAYO EOP data entry for the physical inventory has been changed to
keep/save the selected search index
11/03/90 Added a new field to the customer database (SHIPPHONE) that will
contain the 14 character Ship To telephone number
11/03/90 Updated DAYO Update & Conversion to include the field SHIPPHONE in
the DAYO AR update (it contains the customer database update routine)
11/03/90 Changed the Expanded Customer Report (With Ship To Information) to
include the Ship To Telephone number (SHIPPHONE) for the default Ship To
11/03/90 Added a new report to DAYO Smart Reports: Customer List #2. This one
differs from the first in that it also prints out any/all ship to names that
exist for each customer
11/04/90 Added a new report to DAYO Smart Reports: SALES REPORT II. This one
differs from the first in that it optionally prints the detail records, and
includes sales from last year, period to date, and year to date
11/05/90 Added a new report to DAYO Smart Reports: SALES REPORT III. This one
is the same as # II, but also prints the detail records
11/07/90 Added a new ROUTINE to DAYO Smart Reports that will allow the user
to insert/delete decimals from the quantity fields (ie: ONHAND, ONORDER, QTY,
QUANTITY,...) in the following databases: INV, DETAIL, INVADJ, APD, ARD, BO,
11/08/90 Added more decimal support to all DAYO modules. For example, you
will receive a prompt with decimals when adding items (ONHAND) to the
inventory, and when possible, screen displays will show the decimals (if used)
11/08/90 The printer driver in all DAYO Report modules now saves printer setup
codes and reprints them for each report while user stays in the reports
routine. This is very useful on networks where another user or process will
reset the printer before a report spool is released to the printer
11/09/90 Added a second description to the DETAIL database in DAYO POS and to
the ARD database in DAYO AR. The presence of these fields allow the user the
option of printing a more detailed description of an item onto an invoice.
Removal of the field (DESC2) is possible by using the MODIFY DATABASE routine
in the MISC ROUTINES. (Note, the DAYO Update procedure for POS & AR will put
the field back in...)
11/10/90 New feature in DAYO POS that will (optionally) allow you to display
the 1st 10 lines of a customer's memo/notes onto the screen at time of
invoicing. This will/can alert users to information about specific customers
The option is turned off/on from within the Configuration Menu.
11/11/90 By popular demand, a compromise in has been reached in the delay time
in all DAYO SHAREWARE screens. It has now be reduced!
11/11/90 The display of customer's memo/notes is now an option in DAYO Time
& Billing. The option is turned off/on from within the Configuration Menu.
11/18/90 DAYO POS labels now display & print the SHIP TO address unless it
is empty, then it prints the BILL TO name and address
11/19/90 The Reconciliation Report in DAYO GL has a new option; to print only
a specific GL Account Number instead of all
11/19/90 Added a new field to the POH.DBF (in DAYO Inventory): CONTROL, that
will contain any user inputted control number, ie: an invoice number, internal
purchase order, or order number. Use is totally optional
11/19/90 Record of serial numbers being received is now an option in DAYO
11/19/90 Serial numbers can be viewed (Ctrl F2) from within the Receive Menu
in DAYO Inventory
11/19/90 Serial numbers (In & Out) can be printed with new reports in DAYO
Smart Reports
11/19/90 DAYO Inventory, Purchase Orders now include the CONTROL number on the
printed PO (if not empty)
11/19/90 DAYO Inventory, Receivers now include the serial numbers and the
CONTROL number on the printout
11/20/90 DAYO AP, added the field CONTROL to the database APH.DBF, and to
DAYO Update (Inventory & AP)
11/20/90 Ability to print notes onto invoices in DAYO POS is now possible
11/21/90 Ship To Address will now default to Bill To Address when creating an
invoice in DAYO POS, Time & Billing, Quotes, and Accounts Receivables
11/21/90 Added the option to select 1 of 9 indexes for the Customer List #2
Report in DAYO Smart Reports
11/26/90 Updated DAYO Index and DAYO Look Up to use the additional index for
purchase order headers. Then new index in on the field: CONTROL, which is a
10 digit alphanumeric field
11/30/90 Added a new report/option to the DAYO Quotes Reports. This routine
prints Quote Detail out indexed by the location (in the inventory).
12/01/90 DAYO Invoicing now does NOT recompute and reset the TAX and SUBTOTAL
fields at time of printing (or Reprint) of the invoice
12/01/90 DAYO POS allows the editing of the Invoice/Work Order Notes from the
Invoice Browse routine (Ctrl F2)
12/01/90 DAYO Index now displays the index key and its 'progress graph'
appearance has also changed slightly
12/03/90 Decimal routine added to DAYO Smart Reports that will modify/change
the number of decimal places in the PRICE, COST, RETAIL, AVGCOST and REALCOST
fields in the many DAYO databases
12/05/90 Decimal (greater than 2) display support added to DAYO POS, Quotes,
Inventory, Price Book, MRP, End of Period, AR, and AP. This new feature allows
the display and editing of PRICE, COST and/or RETAIL fields that have more than
2 decimal places (ie: PRICE = 199.085)
12/06/90 Changed the default to not require the opening of a register before
invoicing in DAYO POS
12/08/90 New Configuration option added to DAYO POS that determines if the
invoice/work order notes will be printed onto the invoice
12/09/90 Reworked the printing process of serial numbers onto invoices
12/10/90 Added the option to apply hand/manual check amounts to open AP
12/14/90 Added expanded documentation about the AR & AP posting processes to
the user manuals/documents in DAYO AR & AP
12/15/90 Released a new SETUP program (DSETUP.EXE) for use with .ZIP files
that are usually downloaded via BBSs (ie: Compuserve, GEnie)
12/17/90 Added another routine to DAYO Smart Reports that resets, then
recomputes the ALLOCATED field/quantity. The ALLOCATED field is located in the
inventory database (INV.DBF). Items on open work orders (invoice not printed),
and in back orders (BO.DBF) are considered ALLOCATED...
12/18/90 The SUBTOTAL and TAXES fields are now re-adjusted in DAYO POS after
editing an existing detail record (or adding a new one). This recomputation
helps prevents invoices 'going out' without correct totals...
12/20/90 Added the FOB (Freight on Board) field to the following databases:
whatever is present in the FOB field in the customer database at time of
12/20/90 Added the second description (DESC2) to the inventory database. If
this field is not empty/blank, it will carry over into invoicing and quotes
12/20/90 Added the field UNITQTY to the inventory file. This field will be used
to denote the unit quantity of items 'purchased from the vendor'. For example,
you may order JARS-1 by the case from your vendor, but sell them individually.
If there were 24 jars to a case, you would want to order 1 case, not 24 at time
of creating a purchase order...
12/20/90 Added the 5 new price fields to the inventory. This price fields add
another means of pricing items at time of quotes and invoicing
12/20/90 Added a flag field to the customer database (PRICEX) that (if not
empty), determines which of the price fields (PRICE1-5) with be the default at
time of quotes or invoicing
12/21/90 The Quotes, POS and Back Orders (in POS) now looks for and uses the
second description in the inventory (or keyed in at time of invoice)
12/25/90 Added the option to input and print an 'ORDERED' quantity in DAYO POS
that is in different units than what is shipped. Configuration option added
to activate its use.
12/29/90 Configuration option added to DAYO EOP that allows for the input/edit
of the CONTROL field during the Physical Inventory Count/Input.
12/29/90 New report added to DAYO EOP: Physical Inventory Tags. This report
prints 'tags' out to standard paper containing item information (including
the location/bin) to be used in conjunction with a physical inventory.
01/03/91 New product release: BRAIN Version 2.0 which can be used as a DAYO
menu and also as a job/program scheduler (Not a DAYO module though)
01/08/91 Option added to Customer Specific Price Book that lets you only print
the special/fixed price items on the price book. The default is to print the
entire inventory
01/10/91 New field (WHSE) added to DAYO POS invoice header record, in database
INVOICE.DBF, that records the warehouse number that the items were invoiced
from. The main warehouse is warehouse zero (0)
01/14/91 Finally got the new MRP finished (DAYO MRP Version 2.0). This MRP
add much more support to the MRP process. Includes Shop Orders, Travelers,
and more Bill of Materials reports
01/15/91 Added MRP database location/directory to the configuration of DAYO
End of Period (EOP)
01/16/91 Added a new routine to DAYO EOP that zeroes out the PTD field
in the inventory (INV.DBF), customer (CUSTOMER.DBF), MRP (BOM.DBF), and sales
person (SALESPER.DBF) databases. Option also added to zero out the YTD also
01/17/91 Added multiple pricing prompts/windows in DAYO POS and QUOTES that
are displayed at time of invoicing (or quoting) the detail lines/items
01/21/91 Added configuration options: multiple pricing flag to DAYO QUOTES and
01/23/91 Added more 'hide cost' features to DAYO POS and QUOTES. If the COST
display is 'turned off', the field will not appear on ANY screen or browse
in any invoice or quotes menu routine
01/24/91 Added a means to change any/all colors in all the modules. If the
file: COLORSET.DAT is present in the current directory of a DAYO module,
the file is loaded so that the colors can be defined. COLORSET.DAT is actually
a dBase (tm) compatible database (.DBF). Read a dBase/Clipper manual for more
information on color codes...
01/26/91 Created a smaller version of DAYO POS - 'LITTLE POS' that does not
contain any other options other than the invoicing routines. Useful on LANs
where memory is limited. Must be run from the \DAYOPOS directory, and in
conjunction with DAYO POS (required for Configuration and Reports)
01/27/91 Added the MRP database location option to configuration in DAYO POS
01/27/91 Added more features to DAYO Passwords. You can now install and edit
password for all DAYO modules/directories from one program
01/27/91 New field 'BOM' added to the inventory database (INV.DBF) that flags
an item as being an ENDITEM (created by other items in the inventory). This
flag field is used in the DAYO POS option to build ENDITEMS while invoicing
01/28/91 DAYO POS can now assemble/build ENDITEMS while invoicing. A new
configuration option 'Manufacture ENDITEMS' determines if the option to
assemble ENDITEMS is to be available. If it is, you can assemble ENDITEMS by
pressing 'F4' while in the selection of detail items browse if sufficient
components items exist in inventory (if inventory override turned on)
01/28/91 DAYO 'Little' POS has the MRP option
01/29/91 DAYO 'Little' POS menu option added to DAYO MENU
01/29/91 The 'Hide Cost' Configuration option has been expanded to NOT display
the COST, AVGCOST or REALCOST fields on any POS or 'Little' POS screen or
01/30/91 New MRP Indexes added to the DAYO Index Database. To get the new
indexes added to existing databases, you must first erase the DAYOX.DBF and
the index file: DAYOX.NTX, then run the DAYO Index program (DAYOX.EXE). The
newly created DAYOX.DBF will contain any new records...
01/31/91 New MRP databases (SO.DBF, SOHIST.DBF & SO_NOTES.DBF) added to DAYO
02/03/91 *** Release of Version 2.0 of DAYO! The main benefit of this version
change is improved memory management and the end of the overlay files (.OVL).
02/03/91 DAYO Index enhanced with more features; mainly to be able to edit or
install passwords in any DAYO module from within the same program
02/04/91 Altering colors in any module is now possible with a new routine in
Smart Reports
02/04/91 The preprinted invoice, work order and quote type option has been
standardized to be aligned with our own forms. Forms are in 2 to 4 part, 1 to
2 colors, with your logo and company name, as well as multiple lines of comment
02/05/91 Option added to DAYO POS and 'Little' POS that allows users to view
(no editing) the Inventory database from within the INVOICE menu
02/05/91 Option added to DAYO POS and 'Little' POS that allows users to view
(no editing) the Customer database from within the INVOICE menu. Option added
to this routine that displays a specific customers sales profile/history of
detail items purchased
02/06/91 Batch print all unprinted invoices option added to DAYO POS and
02/10/91 Routines added to Smart Report that will print out any adjustments
made to the AR or AP invoices
02/13/91 New routine added to DAYO Payroll Reports that resets the quarter
and YTD fields in the databases: PAY.DBF, QTR_SUM.DBF & PAY_SUM.DBF. Data is
derived from database: PAYROLL.DBF
02/15/91 An additional report option has been added to the DAYO GL transaction
report. This one prints every transaction out for every GL Account number (All
debits and credits)
02/18/91 Special Form Letter routine added to DAYO AR Reports that will print
out letters (save up to 10 of them), notifying customer of balance due or
past due amounts
02/19/91 Updated DAYO Update & Conversion to update the Index database
(DAYOX.DBF) to add the field UNIQUE
02/19/91 Special Form Letter routine added to DAYO Time & Billing that will
print out letters (save up to 10 of them), notifying customer of balance due
or past due amounts
02/20/91 BRAIN 2.0 released. While not a DAYO module, this program/job
scheduler can be useful with DAYO. Can also be used as a menuing system for
DAYO. Requires mouse and EGA or VGA monitor...
02/21/91 DAYO Menu 'radically' changed to run its programs WITHOUT using
the MENU.BAT file. The program now 'shells out' the menu options
02/21/91 DAYO Menu update added to the DAYO Update & Conversion program to
update the menu database (menu options) to correct the LOCATION field
02/25/91 Edit screen for newly added Ship To records has been added to the
DAYO POS modules
02/26/91 DAYO AP adjustments has been modified so that the AMOUNT value of
the newly created adjustment record will equal the total ajustment amount
made to an orginal AP invoice/record. For example, increasing the FREIGHT
amount of an existing AP header record will cause/initiate the creation of
another AP header record (mirroring the orginal one) containing the
difference of the FREIGHT amount in the FREIGHT & AMOUNT field. The newly
created adjustment record will be closed (OPEN=.F.) if the orginal AP header
record (payable) has not been posted to DAYO GL yet (TRANSACT field will be
empty), otherwise it will be left open (to be later posted to GL and to be
used as a new payable)
02/27/91 Creating a purchase order in DAYO Inventory has been made a little
easier by allowing the user to select the vendor from a browse screen
(similiar to DAYO POS invoicing - adding customers)
02/28/91 Added a new option to DAYO POS that will allow the user to input/
override the invoice number. This option (set in Configuration) lets the user
determine the invoice number (note, it has to be unique though)
02/28/91 Added a new option to DAYO Inventory that will allow the user to
input/override the purchase order (PO) number. This option (set in
Configuration) lets the user determine the next purchase order number.
Note, the purchase order number must be unique!
03/01/91 Changed the screen to display the cost, price and retail, and then
prompt for the price when adding detail items to existing invoices or work
orders. This was done to the DAYO POS and Little POS modules
03/02/91 Option added to DAYO AR Post routine that allows users to post
invoices from up to 5 different invoice databases/locations, ie: DAYO POS and
Time & Billing
03/02/91 Added the field ITEM to the BOM database (BOM.DBF). This field
contains the component item number
03/02/91 Added a 12th index to DAYO MRP's BOM database (BOM.DBF) that is
indexed on the field ITEM. Index name is BOM9.NTX
03/02/91 Added a new report to DAYO MRP. This report is named the 'Component/
Whereis Item Report', and lists all component items with its related ENDITEM
03/03/91 Added the new DAYO MRP index (BOM9.NTX) to DAYO Index
03/10/91 **** New Release: DAYO Membership. This module maintains a database
and reporting system for membership associations and organizations. Dues,
invoicing, statements and donation support has been included in the module
03/13/91 Updated the View Reports routine in DAYO AR, TB, GL, Payroll, Smart
Reports, MRP, AP and Membership modules to be able to view any size file.
03/15/91 Added the TAXCODE field to the following databases: INVOICE.DBF,
SHIPTOS.DBF and QUOTES.DBF to facilitate the reporting of taxes based on
the taxcode already found in the AR header database (ARH.DBF). New invoices
will now record the TAXCODE at time of creation. The code will default to the
SHIPTOS (if used), or Customer database entry
03/17/91 Added a routine to DAYO POS and Little POS that prompts for CHANGE
at the point of receiving the amount PAID, and just at the time of opening
any cash drawer present
03/18/91 Added more credit card support to DAYO POS. If an asterisk '*' is
present in the terms field of the database TERMS.DBF (ie: 'MASTERCARD *'), a
prompt will appear near the end of the invoicing process prompting for the
credit card number. Added the field: 'CREDCARD' to the invoice database:
INVOICE.DBF and to the AR header database: ARH.DBF
03/20/91 Can now 'manufacture' (if MRP installed) END Items from the browse of
the detail in DAYO POS
03/21/91 Added the option to edit the Class and Tax Code fields in the Final
Edit screen in DAYO POS modules
03/22/91 Added the option to view reports on screen to DAYO POS and DAYO AP
03/22/91 Added the option to reprint AP checks to the Reports menu in DAYO AP
03/22/91 New invoice type (RECEIPT) added to DAYO POS. The width is less than
40 characters. Emulates a simple receipt type invoice (ie: grocery store),
with a few extras...
03/23/91 Added a new TYPE codes to DAYO Update, POS and AR, 'REN' for Rental,
and 'RET' for Rental Returned. Note the difference between the return type of
'Ret'. DAYO AR will not post invoices with the type 'REN'. The invoice is
left open in POS until the type is changed to 'RET' (when the rented item(s)
is/are returned). This was setup to facilitate the making of the DAYO RENTAL
POS module due out soon
03/24/91 *** New Release: DAYO RENTAL POS. This module (very similar to
'Little POS'), is used by any company thats rents equipment/items
03/26/91 New Smart Report routine added that allows you to change an ITEM
number in the inventory, warehouse, and open invoice detail databases
03/27/91 Added the option to print a CONTROL number onto invoices to
04/01/91 *** TJS LAB moves to bigger and better offices!
04/12/91 The 'Final Edit' screen for invoice and/or quote header information
has been changed to NOT require the user to press the enter/return key to
make a change to any of the fields. Just press any key, and the edit mode
will be activated
04/17/91 The absolute value of the cost and quantity is now used to determine
the average costing at time of receipt (in DAYO Inventory)
04/18/91 New Release: DAYO Order Entry. Use this module to create sales
orders that will later be invoiced.
04/19/91 New Release: DAYO Shipping Log. Use this module to record invoices
04/20/91 *** A second tax has been added to DAYO POS. This second tax is for
locations where more than one tax is applied. Improvements/changes on this
tax continues... Will add to Quotes, Time & Billing, and AR as soon as all
options are made to it (ie: whether to tax the 1st tax amount or not...)
04/21/91 DAYO POS version changed to Version 2.01 (For appearance sake...)
04/23/91 2nd tax now appears on invoices in DAYO POS
04/24/91 There are now twelve 2nd tax options to select from. For example, you
can tax only the subtotal, the subtotal plus the 1st tax, only the adjustment,
or only the subtotal greater than an amount specified...
04/25/91 The word 'Signature' has been removed from the invoices in DAYO POS
04/26/91 The option now exists (in DAYO POS configuration) to have the
credit card and authorization number print onto the invoice in the comments
section at the lower left of the form
04/27/91 No new/blank inventory record will be created in the aborted
creation of PO detail in DAYO Inventory
04/29/91 DAYO AR Cash Receipts modified to enter the selection browse of
all customers if Enter is pressed on an empty prompt or if selected customer
number is not found
05/01/91 Improved speed and functionality added to the Whereis Report in
05/03/91 The print/reprint invoices routine in DAYO AR will now print
the SUBTOTAL in the header record instead of recomputing it (subtotal of
the detail)
05/10/91 A subtotal of the currently due, over 30 days, over 60 days, and
over 90 days due now prints on the DAYO AR Ageing Summary Report
05/12/91 The MIN field has been added to the DAYO Inventory (INV.DBF). This
field denotes the minimum quantity that can be ordered from your vendors,
ie: pallet quantity
05/12/91 Added options have been added to the REORDER report in DAYO
Inventory to include the new field MIN
05/13/91 Release of DAYO Index Version 3.0. Compiled with Clipper (tm) 5.01.
The speed of the indexing has increased from 20 to 66%
05/15/91 Added the option to exclude work orders in the Terms report option of
DAYO POS, invoice header reports
05/15/91 Added the Medicare options to DAYO Payroll (Reports, Screens, and
05/17/91 Added the option to print a Bill of Material Worksheet after printing
an invoice. DAYO MRP must be installed in order for this feature to work.
05/17/91 Added 2 more configuration options to the DAYO POS Configuration
menu. One to set whether a BOM Worksheet will print after invoicing, and
another to set the printer port the worksheet will print out to
05/17/91 Added the BO (back order quantity) field to the detail database.
This quantity contains the number put on backorder at time of original invoice
05/18/91 The REPRINT Invoice function in DAYO POS and Little POS now also
prompts for the printing of a Bill of Material Worksheet, if one exists in the
BOM database and the configuration option to do it, is turned on.
05/18/91 ** Release of DAYO SIMPLE POS. This program does not use customers,
just a CASH ACCOUNT customer. Requires DAYO POS to set the configuration and
for reports. Useful in businesses where only a simple receipt invoice is
necessary, and no terms are given (cash, check or credit card only)
05/18/91 ** Release of DAYO BILLING. This program is almost identical to
DAYO POS, but emphasizes a 'Billing and Invoicing' approach instead of a
'Point of Sale' approach
05/18/91 New Inventory Prices Report added to DAYO Smart Reports. This report
includes the average cost and price for a select period of time
05/18/91 New routine in DAYO AR that will compute past due penalties and
optionally, post the penalty into receivables (create new AR invoice records
in the database ARH.DBF)
05/18/91 A commission report has been added to DAYO Smart Reports
05/21/91 Posted invoices (into AR) are now closed (OPEN=.F.) when the sum
05/24/91 A daily report (DAILY DOLLAR), containing the sum of all sales
and cash/check receipts for a specific day was added to Smart Reports
05/31/91 ** Release of DAYO RMS - Return Merchandise System. This module
maintains and tracks all items returned and/or 'out to vendors'. Has the
option of printing a voucher thats very similiar to an invoice. Note, the
voucher does not post as an invoice into DAYO Account Receivables; you
would have to create a standard invoice for that...
06/02/91 ** Release of Version 3.0 for DAYO POS, Little POS, Rental POS,
Simple POS, and Billing & Invoicing
06/03/91 ** Release of Version 3.0 for DAYO Inventory
06/05/91 ** Release of Version 3.0 for DAYO Quotes and AR
06/07/91 ** Release of Version 3.0 for DAYO Smart Reports
06/09/91 ** Release of Version 3.0 for DAYO Passwords
06/11/91 Added a routine to Smart Report that prints Jewelry Tags. These are
small inventory price tags
06/11/91 Added a function to DAYO AR that converts a return/refund invoice
(TYPE='Ret' or 'Ref') to a CREDIT MEMO in the RECEIPTS database at time
of Cash Receipts
06/11/91 ** Release of new Returns & Refunds POS module that will allow the
return and/or refund of product into inventory. Creates negative invoices
for the customer and company accounting. Invoices (after being posted into
AR), become CREDIT MEMOs
06/12/91 Added 2 fields to the Vendors database: ACCOUNT & COMMENT. The
ACCOUNT number records the number assigned to your company by the the vendor.
The COMMENT contains up to 50 characters of user input information about the
vendor (ie: 'allow for 2 weeks delivery...')
06/12/91 Changed the Vendor and PO Header Browse screens to display the
fields ATTN, ACCOUNT and COMMENT onto the screen
06/13/91 Added more indexes to DAYO Index for the new RMS module and for
the SERIALIN (Serial Numbers In) database
04/28/90 POS and AR Customer Add routines sometimes created a corrupted
configuration file (.CFG)
05/08/90 Parallel Cash Drawer to open in BO Allocation
05/10/90 Salesrep Index not reindexing in POS fixed
05/10/90 Sales Tax not posting correctly in AR non standard invoices
05/14/90 Fixed the warehouse adjustments to NOT access the StockLevel
fields (SLLOCxxx)
05/28/90 Address will not include an empty 2nd line on Purchase Orders,
Invoices, Work Orders, and Quotes.
05/30/90 Quotes WERE printing the 'Attention' field instead of the
customer/bill to name. Now prints NAME
05/30/90 Parallel Cash Drawer to open in AR
05/30/90 Backorders not printing invoices/workorders after Allocation
because of a programming error...
05/30/90 Statements were not picking up all orders/invoices completely
(was leaving some non-'NET' invoices off the form)
06/04/90 POS Final Edit Screen was not scrolling correctly
06/16/90 Fixed the inventory adjustments routine to post the CLASS
field from the database INV.DBF to INVADJ.DBF.
06/17/90 Configuration Reports on all Modules were printing the Report
Printer type wrong
06/30/90 Fixed the Full Screen Edit Screen to handle up to 42 fields
(the first 42) properly. Was displaying fields (numbered 42+) randomly
onto the screen...
07/08/90 Error was occurring when trying to import quote in POS
07/08/90 Labels in all modules were not printing the entire name/shipname.
07/10/90 Some duplication of invoice numbers were OCCURRING in DAYO
POS. Rewrote/added validation routines to validate the new entry to
insure it is unique. Added this routine to POS and AR.
07/18/90 Fixed AR Ageing Summary. Was not working after AR posting
07/19/90 Fixed many of the modules to better utilize a 4 digit tax
07/20/90 Fixed POS laser invoices from running out of memory
07/27/90 'Overhauled' the DAYO Smart Reports Document
07/28/90 The W2 form was created and added to DAYO Payroll reports
menu. Will print a NON Official form...
07/28/90 Fixed the down and up arrows keys to function in DAYO Menu
07/28/90 Fixed the AP Hand Check to print the 'Whatfor' onto the
voucher (if so configured)
07/30/90 Fixed the multiple invoice copy option of BackOrders to
work with laser invoices
08/01/90 Fixed the AR & AP posting routines to NOT add records with
a zero (0) balance/amount
08/07/90 Fixed the Inventory Tag. It was printing the Vendor Item
number atop the Item number
08/08/90 AP Batch Checks were not renumbering the checks correctly
when deleted records existed in the batch checks databases (TCHECKS.DBF)
08/08/90 Price Book indexes corrected. Were not accurately finding
records. Was displaying prompts for 3 when only 2 indexes (customer
number & item) were available
08/08/90 Fixed the use of pricing with Margin or List at selection
of detail items when making an invoice. The options allow the user
to adjust the price of an item when it is selected for addition to
the current invoice.
08/08/90 The FIND keys/display for DAYO Price Book Browse has been
fixed to work more accurately. You now have 2 options for finding
Price Book records: by CUSTOMER or ITEM number
08/12/90 Fixed the Specific Customer Price Book to print the PRICE
on the report when requested. Was printing only the RETAIL value
08/12/90 Fixed the error in DAYO AR that occurred when an attempt
was made to change the LAST INVOICE NUMBER in the configurations menu
08/17/90 The AR Ageing Summary report now correctly reports balances
due in the correct 'bucket'/column, ie: could be listing balances
due in 60 days as due now
08/18/90 DAYO Index was not indexing anything using the RIGHT() function,
ie index GLSUB.NTX.
08/20/90 Fixed the display in DAYO AR Expanded Customer Report to
properly position itself within its window
08/21/90 The prompt for the Allocated index value has been changed
to read: "Enter ITEM+DATE (YY/MM/DD):" Was too large and extended
outside of window
08/27/90 The DAYO AR Ageing Report now does not print Cash Receipts
if they are completely APPLIED...
09/06/90 DAYO POS was not finding the Quotes databases if the Current Directory option was being used
09/06/90 Entering only the first digit of a password would allow access to an option. Affected all modules!
09/07/90 Many of the DAYO GL reports were not aborting when Esc was pressed
09/07/90 Default Invoice Comment was not carrying forward on invoices and work orders
09/07/90 Was not able to exit/abort the DAYO GL Problems Report
09/10/90 Top Customer Report was not reporting the sales person name or code
09/10/90 DAYO Menu had 2 entries for Time & Billing
09/17/90 Changed the color of the STOCKLEVEL on the warehouse transfer
selection box in the inventory browse on DAYO INVENTORY. Was difficult to
determine which field/option was being highlighted
09/24/90 Fixed the average costing at time of receipt of product. It was not
averaging correctly (as displayed onto the configuration 'POST COST' screen)
09/26/90 Fixed the indexing of the Quotes indexes when the visual indexing was
not activated
10/08/90 DAYO Price Books, Specific Customer Price Book was not printing any
fixed priced items...
10/09/90 DAYO POS was showing an error when multiple shiptos were activated
and DAYO INDEX was not used to create the indexes. DAYO POS was not creating
the new/second index (on SHIPNAME) for the database SHIPTOS.DBF
10/09/90 DAYO POS not posting Returned/Refund type invoices if no items were
ONHAND and the BackOrder option was turned on
10/16/90 DAYO AP was not placing the VENDOR number into newly appended (added)
records while in the browse of the AP Headers (APH.DBF)
10/17/90 DAYO POS had a error when posting invoices in its backorder routine
because it was expecting to find a WEIGHT field in the BO detail file. Changed
the routine to look in the inventory file instead
10/24/90 Can now exit from the printing of the variance report in DAYO EOP by
pressing Esc
10/24/90 DAYO Index did not test for empty records/fields in its database of
files to be indexed, and would crash if told to index one with an empty
database, index or operand field
11/02/90 DAYO EOP Physical Inventory routine was not zeroing out the warehouse
fields when the option was selected
11/02/90 DAYO EOP Variance report was not printing/displaying the item number
onto the screen while it was creating the report
11/04/90 Fixed the Customer Expanded Report to exit when Esc was pressed in
DAYO Smart Reports
11/09/90 Serial Numbers were not consistently printing onto invoices in DAYO
POS & AR due to a posting error in DAYO POS
11/14/90 DAYO Inventory, receiving routine was not accepting changes to the
amount received
11/16/90 DAYO Time & Billing was not saving the Show Customer Memo and Freight
Tables configuration options
11/19/90 DAYO GL, Reconciliation Report was erroneously printing the progress
graph onto the 1st page of the report
11/19/90 DAYO Inventory, Inventory tag printing was not printing the vendor
item number correctly (when receiving items into inventory)
11/20/90 The REPRINT Invoice option in DAYO POS would sometimes not print the
bill to address. This happened whenever the active index for the customer
database was changed during the creating of invoices
11/26/90 The posting of the very first (ever) serial number record was hanging
the machine
11/26/90 DAYO Update & Conversion changed so that when run, it will update the
Inventory, Customer, AR, and Invoice databases to be compatible to DAYO Time &
12/06/90 The display of the phone number on the Vendor Browse is fixed in DAYO
12/08/90 DAYO POS was not printing the last item of a quote on the invoice
12/08/90 DAYO POS, serial numbers were not printing, so the entire routine
was rewritten
12/11/90 DAYO AR, error while indexing ARH.DBF (ARHNAME.NTX) with the Visual
Indexing Configuration option turned off
12/14/90 DAYO Inventory, the Ctrl N (Add) function was not working whenever
you wanted to add a PO detail line after having created it
01/02/91 DAYO Payroll, posting/printing of the check was 'bombing' when used
with large companies whose total hours exceeded the field widths for the
quarterly (QTR_SUM.DBF) and current (PAY_SUM.DBF) summary databases. Increased
the size of the numeric fields by at least 1 width space...
01/02/91 DAYO Payroll, posting/printing of the check was reporting a type
mismatch when/if a new year started, and the quarterly date ranges/setting
were not updated...
01/04/91 The left margin on the DAYO Payroll check is now a configuration
setting (0-30). It was set to print on column '4'
01/04/91 The second address of the invoice shipto would sometimes not print
in DAYO POS, and Time & Billing
02/11/91 Added even another routine to finally assure that absolutely no
invoice can be double posted to the AR databases (ARH.DBF & ARD.DBF)
02/13/91 The function/prompt to edit the work order/invoice notes was not
appearing when the automatic printing of the work order or invoice option was
turned off. It now prompts regardless of the automatic printing option
02/15/91 Modifying the quantity or price in the DAYO POS detail record was not
correctly resetting the SUBTOTAL in the header record, requiring the user to
use the Ctrl F1 function in the Invoice Header Browse
02/15/91 The printer type for Invoices and Work Orders was not always working
correctly for DATA ONLY or PREPRINTED forms options
02/19/91 The display of the COST fields in DAYO POS was not working correctly.
It was not showing the COST when is should have been
02/28/91 The Partial Shipment notice was improperly flashing during the final
edit of the invoice header/information in DAYO POS
03/01/91 DAYO Index was returning a file size of 999999 for any database or
index file that it could not find. It now returns zero '0'
03/01/91 The index search routines in DAYO MRP browse of the Bill of Materials
(BOM.DBF) was not operating correctly. The F5 key brought up a prompt for a
search value, but contained an extended ASCII character that had to be
03/01/91 DAYO POS, DAYO Little POS, Quotes, and Time & Billing was not
updating the price when adding new items to an existing invoice or work order
from the Browse Detail option
03/07/91 Added the fields TI and NS to DAYO Inventory database when created by
POS and/or Inventory. Use Update & Conversion program to add to INV.DBF if
an error appears in the VIEW INVENTORY option in DAYO POS
03/11/91 Statement Letters in DAYO AR and Time & Billing was not correctly
adding the address to the form letter at time of printing
03/18/91 The invoice number was not printing on AR statements lines that
contained a customer purchase order number
03/22/91 DAYO BO was not adding the field WEIGHT to the database BO.DBF upon
initial creation. Had to use Update & Conversion to 'fix' it...
03/24/91 DAYO Little POS was 'crashing' if registers were used and user
aborted (changed his/her mind) exiting the module
03/29/91 The Credit History Report in DAYO AR was not printing the ATTN
field. It was printing the customer name in its place
04/17/91 The AP Header edit screen (when Ctrl N pressed) was not allowing
the input of decimals in a few of the numeric fields
04/26/91 Fixed the recalculation of the taxes/subtotal while adding support
for the 2nd tax
05/01/91 DAYO MRP, Update Inventory with Shop Order assembled quantity was
not working
05/01/91 DAYO MRP, Update Inventory with Shop Order assembled quantity was
not updating the Year & Period to date fields in the BOM database
05/09/91 DAYO Inventory, Receiving was not always properly posting the
receipt amounts into the correct vendor record
05/11/91 DAYO Menu was creating huge files in DAYO subdirectories when the
computers were being shut off without returning to the menu. The new program
checks all DAYO directories for the existence of any of these files upon
exiting, and if any are found, they are erased. The files start with the
dollar sign '$', ie: $T00333
05/15/91 Could not exit the DAYO Payroll Reports on the EXIT option
05/18/91 Was not carrying forward the selected vendor number into new AP
payable header record when add/creating a completely new one (in DAYO AP
Browse of the AP Header database (APH.DBF)
05/20/91 The open purchase amount was not always update in DAYO Inventory,
Purchase Order Browse
05/21/91 The 'Total Due' statement that was presented when the invoice was
ready to print was misleading. It is not phrased: 'Total Paid'
06/06/91 New configuration option added to DAYO POS that allows the
adding of the same item more than once to an invoice
06/12/91 The option to print only the SALES Report #3 for a specific customer
was not working in Smart Reports
06/14/91 Fixed the SUBTOTAL reset option (Ctrl F1) in all the POS modules. It
was grossly recalculating the invoice SUBTOTAL
06/20/91 The building of an ENDITEM was not working in DAYO POS if the
active index (in searching/finding the item) was not set to ITEM (F5)
TJS LAB PO BOX 585366, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32858-5366 (407) 291-3960